A Volunteer Program
Course 1
Visualizing the Mathematics of General Relativity
Summer Timings:
Every Saturday 10:00 PM in Pakistan
Starting date of this course will be sent to you by email or via WhatsApp as soon as we’ll have our targeted number of students.
Course Content
Chapter 1 (Introduction)
- Basic elements and preparation.
- Introduction to Galilean Relativity
- Introduction to Special relativity
- Introduction to General Relativity
Chapter 2 (Preparation)
- Covariant and Contravariant
- Graphs and Diagrams
- Speed of Light
Chapter 3 (Galilean Relativity)
- Galilean principle of Relative motions
- Galilean Spacetime separation
- Introduction to Invariants
- Galilean Transformation
- Euclidean Metric Tensor
- Incompatibilities of Galilean Relativity
Chapter 4 (Special Relativity)
- Lorentz Transformation
- Time Dilation
- Length Contraction
- Velocity addition
- Relativity of simultaneity
- Minkowski Metric
- 4-Vectors
Chapter 5 (Acceleration in Special Relativity)
- Rindler Coordinates and Rindler Metric
- Bell’s Spaceship Paradox
- The Jacobian
- Twin Paradox
- Proper Time along curves
- Covariant derivatives in flat Spacetime
- Geodesics and Curved light beams
Chapter 6 (Tensors)
- Introduction to Tensors
- Frequency waves
- Covectors
- Doppler shift with accelerating frames
- Introduction to Metric Tensor
- Introduction to Einstein’s Tensor
Chapter 7 (General Relativity)
- General Relativity basics
- Equivalence principle
- Proper acceleration
- Manifolds
- Covariant derivatives and Geodesics
- Curvature
- Riemann Tensor
- Ricci Tensor
- Ricci Scalar
- Newton Cartan Theory
- Stress Energy Momentum Tensor
- Einstein’s Field Equations Derivations
Chapter 8 (Significances of General Relativity)
- Schwarzschild Metric
- Gravitational Time Dilation
- Event Horizon
- Eddington-Finkelstein
- Kruskal-Szekeres
- White/Wormholes
Chapter 9 (Gravitational Waves)
- Intro to LIGO
- Linearized Gravity
- GW Derivation
- Transverse-Traceless Gauge
- G Waves and Free Particles
- Introduction to Modern Cosmology
- FLRW Metric derivation
- Cosmic Rest Frame